
Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

One Has Ended, Another Comes Up, All Just None

Saturday, August 21 2010 I had a “great” day in my “lovely” university. Yes, it will be the end of my PSAF thing. It is kind of orientation for freshmen with extra “treatment” on faculty level. I am truly happy (without double apostrophe) for this. But I am sad for losing connection to some new friends :( Well I am kinda person that can’t talk much without any important reason, moreover to acquaintances.

Okay, it was just a prologue. I will talk about my less enthusiasm of PSAF actually. It is probably because I had had experiencing another greater and more shockingly “orientation” on the beginning of Senior High School period (The words greater and more shockingly “orientation” is according to my opinion only). So, I tried to think and act wiser (and not did something silly as before).

On this event, I was just nothing. A freshman without any argument, any special mark, or anything special and around me stood about more than a thousand people. Then, who will see me? None. I do know this attitude was not good anyway and I haven’t done the best. But, I am not interesting of having such a sensation like before (exception: sensation of talking about the sophomores). Let’s just flow and life goes on, other plans are waiting to be realized.

Then after PSAF, there will be also orientation from the sophomores of our major. This will be the longest orientation I ever had. Argh! I love to know such new people (this program has that impact) but I do not interest to be under control of somebody or several whose reason of controlling me and it will give nothing to me like job connection, etc and also a control which I know have been less important one. The orientation of major has a name, it is osjur (ospek jurusan). And on this event, I also want to be a non enthusiastic person, like before.

P.S: I wrote this and my head like shaking, my eyes weren’t focus, because I am sleepy! So, sorry for the weird post.

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